Monday, November 28, 2011

2nd Baptism!! Written July 18

Hello my family!!!
This past saturday was my second baptism. We were really nervous about it. Juan is 11 years old, and loves the gospel! His mom likes to drink, so he has a different up bringing. He was excited to get baptized! All week long we were trying to get a hold of his mom to make sure that she would be at the baptism, and to get all the information we needed. Friday night, we still hadn't been able to find her. so Saturday morning after secretary work we went to their house. We found the mom, and we talked to her, and got all the information needed. We then asked her if she would be attending the baptism. She said no, she was going to be gone. So we pushed the baptism back two hours so she could make it. Maria ended up coming with us to the baptism, and felt the spirit really strongly. My comp talked a lot to her about baptism, and what it means to her son. Sunday, Maria came with Juan to church, and also his older sister. They loved church, and again, they felt the spirit really strongly. In RS we talked about eternal marriage, and then in SS we talked about the second was perfect for them! Oh, and then in sacrament....I gave a talk on first talk! I tried not to read it, but A-it was in portuguese and B-I don't speak pretty much I read the whole talk I had prepared! But let me tell you next time I give a talk it will be a lot better!
We also had Lu and Zildo at church, which is a big we just have to convince them that they need to get married! They love the gospel, and they love learning about it, but they just won't get married. You can tell they love each other, so I don't see why they won't get married! They have been together for at least 18 years. But we are going to stress eternal families this week, so hopefully something happens!
Erica and Edson are progressing slowly, but they are progressing. Turns out they both read the 3rd Nephi 11 this past week, and they both felt something. But Edson is dragging his feet, so it makes his daughter question what is going on. But we are hoping to get her wet this Saturday or Sunday...oh comp, bless her heart, brought up the option of getting her baptized after church, then giving her the Holy Ghost right then too. I made sure to put my foot down and say no. She wasn't too happy with me. But in the end we decided tonight we will talk to the bishop, but we won't push anything. We are thinking that because most of the people stay after church anyways that they all could just come to the baptism, and then get the Holy Ghost then too...who knows! But we will see.
Everybody! I had a mishap! I accidentally left all my pictures of friends, family, and grandparents in the Brazil please send me some pictures!
The language is coming along nicely....I don't know how else to put it. I am understanding more and more everyday, which is good. It is still hard to talk, but the more I try the better I get. So I try a lot! My comp makes me speak Portuguese a lot! She will speak in english to me, because she is learning that, and I speak in Portuguese to her...we both sound like little kids trying to talk to each other!
It is bloody hot here! Even when it rains, it is hot! Don't worry I use a lot of sunscreen and insect repellant! The bugs really like my blood, I guess it is just new to them! But on one leg I have 19 bites, the other leg 16-ish....and on my arms combined about 8...but that is a lot of itching! Every time I sit down I unconciously start itching! I have to really think hard about not itching. But other than the itching I am completely healthy!
I don't really know what else to say...usually I get to write an outline of what I want to talk about, but today we were at a party, so I didn't get to do anything...then all of a sudden we were here.
Oh! I have a pet...her name is Lizzy...actually I have about six of them...all named Lizzy. I have lizards galore in my apartment! You have to be careful when you pick stuff off the floor cause who knows if there will be a lizard on it or not. I also have a lot of bugs...I mean a lot! Everywhere....and where there are not bugs there are spiders....I have a lot of spiders! And where there are a lot of spiders there are a lot of lizards! So mainly we have a little bug problem. Yesterday I killed six spiders in about a five minute period! It was disgusting! Lizzy's aren't doing their job!!!!
Family I love you! Thank you for your emails. I love them!
I'm glad to hear that Kara is okay, I'll make sure to keep her in my prayers!
Love you all! I love this gospel! And I love this work!
Love, Sister Rounds

2nd Week in the Field-Written on July 11

Hey family!!! Life is great here for the most part, the only thing that would make it better is if I spoke this language. But other than that I absolutely love it! Saturday was my first baptism. Sis Moraes and I didn't really do anything, it was the elders before us, but we claimed him anyways. He is an 18 year old man/boy, and we are hoping to get him on a mission! He became interested in the church with his girlfriend, she was baptized three weeks ago, and he followed her. And on Saturday we have another baptism, Juan.
The language is the most difficult thing right now. I am trying my hardest to not get frustrated, and I am trying to rely on the Spirit to help me. My comp makes me speak Portuguese with her every hour of the day, so it is helping me some, but I am not really learning any words that I need. But when I should ask I can't think of the words I want to know. Their accent is nothing like anybody said it would be. They shorten all their words, and they almost talk with a Portugual accent mixed with a black accent. Yeah it is hard to describe, and hard to understand. But it is coming little by little. All of our investigators know I am learning, so they usually speak a little slower for me.
The members in the ward are all super nice. They feed us lunch every day...and yes every meal I have had involves beans, rice, and some sort of chicken. But it is all good, because their beans and rice aren't like dad's beans and rice. Dad, I hate to break it to ya, but you haven't quite figured out the seasoning to them...there is something different they do with their beans and rice. I am trying to figure out the recipe they use. We have one investigator, that is writing down all of her recipes, so when I come home, I will have a lot of Bahian recipes. And let me tell you, everything they make is super good, and comes from scratch!!!
I know I am not supposed to have favorites in my investigators, so I don't. I just like two more than the rest....haha, not really, but there is something different about these two. It is a father, and daughter. The dad is Edson, and he is divorced, but his daughter, Erica(18) lives with him. Erica came to church on Sunday, so that was good! I'm hoping with all my heart that Edson decides to come too. You walk into that house, and the spirit is there, and they don't know it. I am hoping that we can make them recognize the spirit. Edson was contacted a few years ago by the missionaries, but for some reason didn't continue with the lessons. During the first lesson, you could just see his eyes fill up with understanding. All of a sudden he was asking a lot of questions about the gospel. Needless to say he was interested in what we were saying.
The nice little lady that we are renting from is also super cute. She is about 50-60, and is always bringing us food. She calls us her daughters. Missionaries have been renting from her for the past 15 years or so, but for some reason they haven't baptized her yet! We made an appointment with her, and taught her the first lesson. She was receptive, but not really interested. At the very end of our lesson she asked about where we go after we die, and where did we come from, and why we are here....yes in pretty much those words! Because we had another appointment, we had to reschedule a lesson with her. I have a good feeling about may have taken 15 years to accept the gospel, but I have a sneaky suspicion she will.
There is another man, in his late 60s or early 70s that is getting baptized the 29th of this month. He has had all the lessons, and goes to church almost regularly(because we don't have a chapel in Mussurunga you have to ride a bus to get to the closest chapel, so when investigators come it is a blessing. This area is kind of poor). But last night we taught him the Plan of Salvation, that was a pretty neat experience. When it was my turn to bear my testimony, I couldn't put into words what I wanted to say. My comp prompted me with the question of how I knew it was true. I paused for maybe a minute, and the words spilled out. It took me completely by surprise at how strongly I love the plan of salvation that I just started to cry. Yeah, it was embarrassing, but an experience that I will treasure forever.
I absolutely love this gospel! I love sharing it with others even though I can barely do it in Portuguese. I can tell the more I try and rely on the spirit, the more I can say things I want to say.
Love you all! And I love it here! And I love the Gospel!
Love, Sister Rounds

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First week in the Field- Sent July 4

Ola family!!! How are you??? I've read your emails and you all sound like you are doing good. Keep up the good news.
Hmm...I'm not going to lie, the first few days all I wanted to do was cry, and go home. But now all I want to do is stay and work! I love the people here. I cannot understand a thing anybody says, but the people are patient with me and they work with me. We have one family that is investigating, well actually just the parents. They are not married, and my first day we went to see them they said they didn't know why they would get married. But we taught them the 3rd lesson, and stressed the importance of keeping the commandments. At the end of the lesson they said they would consider it. Not exactly they yes we wanted, but there is more of a desire there. The mom, Lu, actually came to church with us yesterday, but the dad, Zildo, said he had other commitments.
Across the street from them lives a little boy, Juan, but pronounced hu-ah-n. He is 11, and such a doll. The first time I saw him, he just sat on his doorstep and looked at us with his big brown eyes and watched us. A day later we went by his house, and he was just sitting there again eating a grapefruit. We taught him, and his older brother, Ramon, the first lesson. His eyes were huge with interest the whole time. We gave him a Livro De Mormon and a pamphlet. The next day, Saturday, we went by his house to see if they read. His mom was in the "living room" with some friends getting drunk. We talked to Juan on the door step and he was eager to learn. Dad, I know you said to baptize families, but his mom has no interest whatsoever, and he wants to be baptized. We'll see what happens. Juan came to church with us on Sunday, and loved every minute of it. I can't explain how much he loves learning about the gospel.
The people here are super nice. Like I said, they are patient with me. In church every single member came up to me and taught me a new word in portuguese, and when I say something wrong they politely correct me. Lu and Zildo just smile when I make a mistake, and then later make jokes about it. It is amazing how much you start to love someone in such a short amount of time. Juan just listens to me make mistakes, and because he is in tune with the spirit he understands everything. That is one thing I have learned. I don't know any portuguese, but the Holy Ghost takes my message to the people. If they are in tune with the spirit, then I can say anything and they understand.
Now time for my trainer...drum roll...yep she is Brazilian! Haha, I love her, she is so cute. Her name is Sister Moraes, and she is from Santa Catarina (don't know how that is spelled). She speaks enough english to help me, but other than that she speaks only portuguese. She also has two and a half months left of the mission, so it is likely we'll stay companions till she leaves. Why is that you ask? Because we are opening an area for sisters. There were elders in our area before, but now they want sisters there because sisters are the best, and they are baptizing like crazy there. It is called Mussurunga (again spelling is horrible). Where Lu, Zildo, and Juan lived is nicknamed the Honey Hole. In one month there were 10 people baptized on that road. The whole place is pretty much a Honey Hole. We'll be walking down a street when all of a sudden my comp will stop and knock on a fence and do a contact. Afterwards she'll say, "I like that house!"
Well time is up and I have to go. I love you all, and I hope you are all safe and sound. Yes I can email friends, and family.
Love you!!!!
Sister Rounds

MTC is over-Sent June 22

This is my last week here!!! Crazy right? I think it is, and I don't know if I am ready for that or not! I forgot to tell everybody that this past week I got to go to the busiest intersection in Sao Paulo. It is called the MASP, there we contacted some people. We didn't get too many people to take a Book of Mormons, but that is okay, at least they had the opportunity. There is a cool little story that I wanted to tell you about it though. My comp and I went to a little side park where lots of benches were. We contacted one young man and he took the book with interest, (at least that is what we think, we don't speak portugues...). After giving the book we felt awkward to contact other people in that area so we left. As we left I had a strong impression to go contact a guy, but sadly fear took over and I didn't take that opportunity. About 10 minutes later we decided to go back to the little park place, the guy that I had the impression to talk to was still there, and he was reading a book. I told my comp to come with me to contact him. After we did the whole we are missionaries spill, he got a huge smile on his face. He lifted up the book that he was so intent upon reading. It was a pass-along Book of Mormon. Another group of elders contacted him. He was reading 3 Nephi 11, and he liked what he had read so far. We have no idea if the guy contacted other missionaries or not, but I hope so. Just goes to show that I should listen to the spirit...he's always right, and i'm wrong. When will I learn? Yeah, know how they say elders like to make the newbies say something that means something totally different? Yeah that has happened to me. Because we were supposed to sit with brazilians at meals, I made some friends with some of them. I asked them what coconut is, and they said coco, I repeated it back, and they started laughing their heads off. Then because they were laughing so loud other brazilians came and started laughing at me too. I couldn't figure out why. They would ask what my dessert tasted like, and I would say coco. (stress the last o). Anyways, my friend finally informed me that it was actually coco(with the accent on the first 0). Turns out they taught me that my dessert tasted like poopoo...I'm just glad that I learned now what it was and not later. So you all sang and did a musical number for Jake's thing right? How did it go? I ended up doing one too. I couldn't let you out do me, so I played my violin, and sang in a cinquet...(5 people group). Yeah, the singing didn't go very well, but I feel like the other song was good. There were three of us, and since I was the worst out of all the violinists I played the melody the whole time, while they went on and did some great variation. But it sounded amazing!! I have the music, so we might have to try it when I get home. I also played Tuesday for the devotional, yeah that one didn't go so well, I didn't have any time to practice. Today was my last time at the temple for the next 16 months. I can't wait to go again. I love you all! I hope you are all safe and sound. Don't be sad this next week! I know this gospel is true, and what Jake and I are doing is the thing we are supposed to be doing at this time! Love you, Sister Rounds

Week 6

Sent by Jenna on June 15

So I still only have 30 minutes to write. So I'm going to be quick, and this keyboard is weird, so don't judge my grammar or spelling. :) Brazil is so different from what I thought it would be! It is crazy cold here!!! Yes I said cold, I honestly was not expecting the cold! Mornings are really cold, then afternoons are on the too warm side! And there is next to no humidity! But apparently Salvador is hot and humid, so I'll enjoy the cold while I can. Because I have so little time to write, I probably won't be reading your emails till after I write, so if you have questions I probably won't answer them. So the CTM here is different form Provo too! It is one smallish building, and that is all you are ever in. But on p-days I get to go roam the streets! That was fun! I did that today! I also got to go to the Sao Paulo temple! That was beautiful and full of fun surprises...mostly I didn't know what they were saying, even though most of it was in english! Right now I have mixed emotions. I love it here in Brazil, but I'm not really liking the CTM, because it is so different, classes are different, and the teachers teach in a totally different way! Hmm...I have more to say, but I don't really know what to say or how to say it. I guess the main point is I am in culture shock!! It is fun though. We are encouraged to interact with the Brazilians everyday, I thought my portuguese was coming along nicely until they started talking to me...yeah turns out I know nothing! It is fun though, I have a Brazilian roommate! So I talk to her everynight, that helps a lot! She knows no english besides what I have taught her, so I am forced to speak in portuguese. I love it! Hmm...yeah I know this is short but I have a lot of emails to read...I'll try to respond to those. I love you! And I miss you! Hope you are all well! Well family, you get one huge paragraph and no because I can't enter down, and twop because I want to read your emails. Love you all! I love this gospel and I know it is true!!! I'm so glad I have your support! Love you, Sister Rounds

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cause She's Leaving On A Jet Plane after Week 5

Letter from Jenna written on June 1st.

Hey family!!! How are you guys!!! I think I heard from everybody but Jake this week!!! It sounds like everybody is good!
So I have some good news...ready? I'm going to BRAZIL!!! Yep, I leave Tuesday to go down there. I found out about 4 hours ago, and I'm going to call home in about 40 minutes...hopefully. If my comp will let me! So mother dearest...I need that pack before I if you can please do that as soon as possible!
But yeah, so pretty much my whole district is leaving. Okay, not my whole district but a lot of us are leaving! Out of the nine, there are five leaving, then I think Elder Jorgensens district is leaving too. Elder Jorgensen is my traveling cordinator, or whatever they call him. I fly out Tuesday morning at 11:10 AM for NY, they I leave NY at 10:15 PM and arrive in Sao Paulo at 9:25 the next morning. It's a long flight, but I'm ready to be there!
Holy buckets..that's a lot of water! It has rained the past few days, but overall it is beautiful and warm! The rain is cold, but when it is sunny it is sunny! I've been able to stay pretty warm with my 3 cardigans I have, so it hasn't been bad.
The work is going good. My classes are practically all in Portuguese now, meaning that the class is required to speak Portuguese! That is hard, but it is good, I'm learning so much faster. I talked to an actual Brazilian a couple of days ago, and he understood me, but then he informed me that I spoke weird. Haha that could just be because I can't conjegate anything.
We haven't work on the phones at all, and I don't think I will since I'm leaving in a week! We have people that we teach in the TRC, but most of those are returned missionaries just acting the part. My progressing investigators are pretty good too! One couple, Jose and Fatima are committedc to baptism, but we found out jose smokes, so we are working on that. Maria and Gi are still stoned faced, and won't pray about anything! Haha, just so you know the investigators are my teachers playing the part, but it is good practice. All of our lessons to them have to be in Portuguese.
Hmmm...Dad, it is funny you mentioned Saturdays warriors. I had a sub the other day that claimed he knew me, and he looked familiar to me too. But we have never crossed paths. The entire class says it is meant to be, and that we met in the pre-existance. I told them we'd have to wait until I got home, cause nothing is going to stop my mission! So funny!
Well that is about all, I'm praying for unconditional love, so if you want to pray that I can find it that would be good!
Well fam, I love you much! I hope you are all doing well, and as a side not, I'm sorry if I bawl tonight on the phone with you! My emotions are everywhere!
Eu se que o livro de mormon e verdadeiro e contem a plentitude do evangelho, eu se que da igreja de jesus cristo dos santos dos ultimos dias e verdadeiro. Eu se que as familias ser eternas. eu se que eu amo voces muito!!! Eu se que jesus cristo e nosso salvador, ele pagou por nossos pecados, entou morreu por nos entou nos volter para nosso paj. En nome de jesus cristo amem...
Some of that is spelled wrong, but when you are typing in another language against a clock spelling doesn't really matter...and I don't think the last part is even right...but you get my drift! Love you!
Sister Rounds

Week 4, Completed and Enjoyed

Letter from Jenna, written on May 25

Ola Family!!!
Hmmm...So nothing is new. I am still waking up at 6:30 in the morning wishing I could sleep in for another 30 minutes, and I am still loving every minute here.
The language is still a struggle this week, but I humbled myself down and asked for more help...yep I got myself a tutor! Well, the MTC has one, and I am going to start using Irmao Willardson now! Yahoo! He has already helped me and my comp a ton! We learn stuff in class, but it just isn't enought. I can understand what concept is being taught about the language, but some others in the class aren't picking it up as in a circle I'm struggling. Does that even make sense? I don't know how to phrase that in 30 minutes...time is ticking!
Elder Russel M. Nelson came and spoke to us last night. That was the! He and his wife talked a lot about being obedient...strict obedience! I think I'm already slacking on that, but I'm trying really hard not to! My comp is a huge slacker, so I feel I'm doing okay with what I'm put with. We have our moments when we would rather be away from each other, but overall we get along. I'm serving the Lord, not myself! Who cares about the emotions I'm going through, I'm focusing on the Lord. With the focus on the Lord I'll be able to pull through the hard times with the comp.
Visas are starting to come through! There were about 15 elders and sisters that headed to Brazil last week! We are praying the other visas aren't far behind. But there is something you can do to check on it! Google Brazil visa status...on the list of Portugues there should be something that says check status...fill it out. I don't have my confirmation number, so you'll have to do my birthdate and all that fun stuff! But tons of families are checking the status! Apparently Elder Jorgensen's is in processing, so his should be coming in the next few weeks!
Well fam, my time is up...I wish I had more to say, but I don't. All we do is sit in class and learn, so nothing really worth writing about, just remembering. Hmmm...yesterday we had a TRC appointment. I got to teach the second lesson to a lady. Her son died a few years ago, and even though she is a member, playing a nonmember, the spirit was so strong when we were testifying about everything! This Gospel is true! I love it! And I'm so excited that I have another 17 months proclaiming the gospel! It is going to be glorious!!! Elder Nelson said, "We follow Jesus Christ" oh how true it is! A simple yet profound message in just four words! That is what I will be proclaiming to the people of Brazil! I'm happy I made the decision to serve a mission. It is worth the time, and the exhaustion!
I love you all, and I hope you are all safe and sound. Life is good, I am good, and the mission is good.
Seester Rounds